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Кировское областное государственное образовательное автономное учреждение среднего профессионального образования «Сосновский государственный судостроительный техникум» МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ УКАЗАНИЯ ДЛЯ САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНОЙ РАБОТЫ СТУДЕНТОВ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК специальность 26.02.02.»Судостроение» ДЛЯ СТУДЕНТОВ 4 КУРСА ЗАОЧНОЙ ФОРМЫ ОБУЧЕНИЯ Сосновка, 2018 г. Рассмотрено на заседании ПЦК _________________ Председатель ПЦК__________________________ Протокол № 2 от 05.09.2018 г. Составитель: Гизятуллина Валентина Яковлевна, преподаватель иностранного языка КОГОАУ СПО СГСТ Методические указания по английскому языку для самоподготовки студентов- заочников 4 курса специальности «Судостроение». Пояснительная записка Для успешного овладения иностранным языком необходимо освоить особенности грамматической системы языка, поскольку грамматика является важнейшим компонентом речевой деятельности. Данное учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов заочных отделений неязыковых специальностей средних специальных учебных заведений, продолжающих изучение английского языка на базе знаний, приобретенных ими в средней школе, а также может быть полезно и для студентов, впервые приступающих к изучению данного языка. Цель данного пособия- помочь успешно освоить необходимый объем грамматического материала и помочь самостоятельно работать над текстом профессиональной направленности. Данные учебно-методические материалы, предназначенные для студентов-заочников, могут быть использованы на подготовительных курсах и факультетах дополнительного образования, а также самостоятельного обучения. Главная цель - развить у студентов навыки чтения и перевода, обработки и передачи информации на английском языке, а также подготовить к зачету по английскому языку. Материалы состоят из рекомендации по выполнению работ, лексико-грамматических упражнений, художественных текстов. Рекомендации по выполнению письменных лексико-грамматических упражнений 1 .Прочитайте задание и определите, в чём его суть. 2.Прочитайте нужный раздел в грамматическом справочнике или в конспекте занятия. 3.Установите грамматические формы, не забывая о порядке слов в английском предложении (подлежащее, сказуемое, второстепенные члены предложения). 4.Письменно вставьте данное языковое явление в предложение, придав ему соответствующую производную форму. 5.Прочитайте полученное предложение. Лексический материал методических указаний поможет студентам научиться вести беседу о себе, о семье, об учёбе в техникуме, о своей профессии/ специальности. Самостоятельная работа является одной из форм организации учебно-профессиональной деятельности студентов- заочников. Самостоятельная работа (СР) предназначена не столько для овладения студентами содержания дисциплин учебного плана, сколько для формирования навыков самообразования в учебной, профессиональной, исследовательской деятельности, для развития у них способности принимать на себя ответственность, самостоятельно находить конструктивные решения проблемы и т.д. Задачи самостоятельной работы студентов: • систематизация и закрепление полученных теоретических знаний и практических умений студентов; • углубление и расширение теоретических знаний; • формирование проектировочных, конструктивных, аналитических, прогностических умений; • формирование умений использовать нормативную, правовую, справочную документацию и специальную литературу; • развитие познавательной способности и активности студентов; их творческой инициативы, самостоятельности, ответственности и организованности; • формирование самостоятельности мышления, способности к саморазвитию, самосовершенствованию и самореализации; • развитие исследовательских умений. Содержание самостоятельной работы студентов определяется в ФГОС СПО, рабочих программах и методических рекомендациях для студентов по дисциплине «Английский язык». Формы и виды самостоятельной работы студентов: 1.Чтение основной и дополнительной литературы. Самостоятельное изучение материала по литературным источникам. 1. Работа с библиотечным каталогом, самостоятельный подбор необходимой литературы. 2. Работа со словарем, справочником. 3. Поиск необходимой информации в сети Интернет. 4. Конспектирование источников. 5. Составление отзывов на прочитанный материал. 6. Составление обзора публикаций по теме. 7. Составление и разработка словаря (глоссария). 8. Прослушивание учебных аудиозаписей, просмотр видеоматериала с последующим анализом. 9. Выполнение аудио - и видеозаписей по заданной теме. 10. Подготовка к различным формам промежуточной и итоговой аттестации (к тестированию, контрольной работе, зачету). 11. Самостоятельное выполнение практических заданий репродуктивного типа (ответы на вопросы, тренировочные упражнения, тесты). 12. Выполнение творческих заданий. 13. Выполнение лексико- грамматических заданий по теме. 14. Подготовка доклада и написание тезисов доклада. 15. Выполнение комплексного проекта (презентации) по дисциплине. Подготовка к его защите на практическом занятии. 16. Подготовка к зачету. 17. Выполнение контрольной работы. Все типы заданий, выполняемых студентами, в том числе в процессе самостоятельной учебной деятельности содержат установку на приобретение и совершенствование определенных Федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом среднего профессионального образования общих и профессиональных компетенций. Общие компетенции связаны с развитием некоторых навыков мыслительных операций - умения оценивать, анализировать, сравнивать, комментировать и т.д. В связи с этим задания самостоятельной учебной деятельности студентов могут быть сформулированы следующим образом: 1. Прокомментировать высказывание - объяснить, какая идея заключена в отрывке, о какой позиции ее автора она свидетельствует. 2. Сравнить – выявить сходство и различие позиций по определенным признакам. 3. Обосновать один из нескольких предложенных вариантов ответа – привести аргументы в пользу правильности выбранного варианта ответа и указать, в чем ошибочность других вариантов. 4. Аргументировать (обосновать, доказать, объяснить) ответ – значит: а) оправдать (опровергнуть) некоторую точку зрения; б) обосновать свою точку зрения, опираясь на теоретические или практические обобщения, данные и т.д. 5. Провести анализ – разложить изучаемые явления на составные части, сопоставить их с целью выявления в них существенного, необходимого и определяющего. 6. Дать характеристику, охарактеризовать явления – значит назвать существенные, необходимые признаки какого-либо явления (положения какой-либо теории) и выявить особенности. 7. Изобразить схематически – значит раскрыть содержание ответа в виде таблицы, рисунка, диаграммы и других графических форм. Тексты профессиональной направленности для студентов-заочников 4 курса специальности «Судостроение» предназначены для формирования профессионально-ориентированной речи у студентов, специализирующихся в области судостроения. Пособие ставит своей целью подготовку к самостоятельному чтению оригинальной литературы на английском языке по специальности "Судостроение" и включает сведения об устройстве и форме корпуса судна.В пособии использована современная зарубежная и отечественная специальная научно-техническая литература. Система упражнений основана на усвоении общетехнической лексики и терминологии в процессе выполнения упражнений по словообразованию, определению синонимов - антонимов и по раскрытию значения терминов. Упражнения на перевод с русского языка способствует более глубокому пониманию предмета и активизации навыков устной речи на материале изучаемых текстов. Unit 1. General Arrangement of a Ship Section 1. What is a modern ship? Section 2. Ship hull structure (part 1) Section 3. Ship hull structure (part 2) Section 4. Longitudinal and transverse scantlings Section 1. What is a modern ship? Words and Terms to be Remembered Navigation, govern, intend, define, high seas, sea-going ship, mast, masted ship, maritime law, marine, rig, propel, propulsion, contrivance, craft, rowboat, parlance, hovercraft, hydrofoil, сomplicated, denote, float, artificial, structure, engine, shipping. Read the text and find the answers to the following questions. 1. What defines the basic structural class of a ship? 2. What is a general term for sea-going vessels of every kind? 3. What is the difference in the meaning of the terms "vessel" and "craft"? 4. What is a modern ship? What is a modern ship? An overall answer to this question is difficult because there are so many types and sizes. Many modern ships are so complicated from the structural point of view that it is difficult to say exactly to what basic structural class they belong. The choice is governed by the size of the ship and the duty for which it is intended. A ship may be defined as a vessel of considerable size adapted to navigation. The word is used as a general term for sea-going vessels of every kind. A ship may also be defined as a masted vessel of every kind larger than a boat and suitable for navigation on the high seas. In maritime law the word "ship" is equivalent to "vessel" and it is not the form, the construction, the rig, the equipment or the means of propulsion that makes a ship, but the purpose and business of the craft as an instrument of marine transportation. The word ship probably dominates in the following synonymic group by more frequent usage. Each word in the group denotes the basic notion, however differs in some shadow of meaning and consequently in usage and in combinations with other words. Vessel - a general word for all craft capable of floating on water and larger than a rowboat. The term "vessel" includes every description of water craft or other artificial contrivance used as a means of transportation. Craft (pl. unchanged) - a term in marine parlance applied to every kind of vessel but more especially to small vessels nowadays sometimes more sophisticated from structural or propulsion points of view (e.g. hovercraft, hydrofoil craft). Boat - a small open craft propelled by oars, sails or some form of engine. This term is also applied to larger vessels built to navigate rivers and inland waters, and sometimes to sea-going vessels but in such case it is mostly used as a part of a compound word or expression (ferry boat, fishing boat, rowboat, lifeboat). Ship - is a sea-going engineering structure to perform different duties to ensure navigation, shipping and defense of the state's interests. Exercises and assignments Ex. 1. Give Russian equivalents for the following international words: modern, type, structure, adapt, navigation, mast, form, transportation, dominate, term, combination, construction, business, instrument. Ex. 2. Give the initial forms of the following words and translate them into Russian: structural, exactly, considerable, navigation, masted, suitable, equipment, propulsion, transportation, combination, description, engineering, shipping. Ex. 3. Arrange the words below into the pairs of synonyms: type, to design, maritime, apply, construct, technical, structure, frequently, general, govern, complicated, kind, common, marine, use, construction, artificial, navigation, build, often, manmade, control, to intend, shipping, perform, engineering, sophistical, carry out, parlance, sub-language. Ex. 4. Match each of the words in column I with its definition given in column II. I II 1. Ship a) a small open craft propelled by oars, sails or some forms of engine 2. Vessel b) mostly small vessels nowadays more sophisticated from structural or propulsion points of view 3. Craft c) general word for all craft capable of floating on water and larger than rowboat 4. Boat d) a sea-going engineering structure to perform different duties Ex. 5. Translate the text from Russian into English. Судно и корабль - слова-синонимы, однако традиционно мы склонны придавать слову "корабль" возвышенный оттенок. В английском языке используют два слова: ship и vessel. Первое из них больше соответствует русскому слову "корабль", но уважительно относится англичанами к женскому роду. Грозные и красивые боевые суда - это обязательно корабли. Научно-исследовательское судно в газетной или журнальной статье, как правило, становится кораблем науки. Научные дисциплины, изучающие свойства и устройство судов, называются "теорией корабля", "корабельной архитектурой". Современное судно - сложнейшее инженерное сооружение. Представление о нем могут дать следующие цифры: при постройке судна средних размеров используется 60 - 80 тысяч деталей, 20 - 25 тысяч труб общей длиной около 50 км, 40 - 50 тысяч механизмов, приборов и другого комплектующего оборудования. Наибольшее влияние на судостроительное производство в целом оказывают размеры строящихся судов. Среди всего многообразия судов в разные времена были отдельные их классы и типы, которые имели наибольшие водоизмещения и тем самым определяли облик судостроения. Суда будущего по-прежнему будут сложнейшими для своего времени инженерными сооружениями, в которых сосредоточатся все достижения науки и техники. Section 2. Ship hull structure (part 1) Words and Terms to be Remembered Hull, bow, stern, midship, stem, stern frame, main deck, bottom, side, centre (-line) plane, portside, starboard, bilge, shell plating, frame, girder, freeboard, compartment , bulkhead, rigidity, athwartships, lengthwise, fore-and-aft, stiffener, hold, tweendeck, hatch, hatchway, coaming, forepeak (tank), afterpeak (tank), wing tank, double bottom, cofferdam, collision bulkhead, рlatform. Read the text and find the answers to the following questions. 1. What are three main parts of the hull? 2. What members divide the hull into compartments? 3. What cargo spaces are there inside the hull? 4. What kind of tanks are provided on board a ship? A ship is a floating engineering structure to perform different duties to ensure navigation and shipping. The main body of a ship is called a hull. The hull is divided into three main parts - the foremost part is called the bow, the rearmost part is called the stern, the part in between is called midship. The hull is the main part of a ship. It starts with the stem, ends with the stern frame, and is restricted by the main deck, the bottom and the sides. The hull is symmetrical in relation to the centre (-line) plane. Facing the bow aboard the ship, the left-hand side is the portside and the right-hand one is the starboard side. The upper deck runs continuously along the whole length. Turning of the bottom into the side is known as a bilge. It can be smooth or with a break. The hull is made up of frames covered with shell plating. Frame is one of the transverse girders forming the ribs of the hull. The part of the hull below water is the ship's underwater body. A part of the ship's side above the waterline is the vessel's freeboard. The hull is divided up into a number of watertight compartments by decks and bulkheads. Bulkheads are vertical steel walls going across the ship and along. They give the ship contour, shape, rigidity and strength. All transverse bulkheads extend athwartships while all longitudinal ones extend lengthwise or fore-and-aft. Bulkheads are reinforced by strength members called stiffeners. The hull contains the engine room, cargo spaces and a number of tanks. In dry cargo ships the cargo space is divided into holds and tweendecks. Openings giving access to holds are known as hatches or hatchways. Vertical plates edging the hatch along the perimeter above the deck are called hatch coaming. The hatch is closed with a hatch cover. In liquid cargo vessels the cargo space is divided into tanks. At the fore end of the hull are the forepeak tanks and at the aft end are afterpeak tanks. They are used for fresh water and fuel. If a ship has double sides the space between the sides contains wing tanks. There is also a double bottom, which is the space between the inner, and outer skins along the bottom of the ship forming double bottom tanks often with cofferdam, the latter is the narrow watertight compartment isolating the space filled with petroleum from the others. The transverse bulkhead nearest to the stem is called the forepeak bulkhead or collision bulkhead and the one immediately forward of the sternpost is called the afterpeak bulkhead. In addition to upright bulkheads the hull is stiffened horizontally by a number of decks and platforms. The decks run from side to side and all fore-and-aft except some openings. Platforms are partial decks extending only over some part of the length or the breadth. The space between any continuous decks is called a tweendeck. Section 3. Ship hull structure (part 2) Words and Terms to be Remembered Plating, deck plating, strake, butt, seam, sheer strake, deck stringer, framing, intersecting member, primary structural girder, rigid diaphragm, hull assembly, tank top = inner bottom, seaworthiness, superstructure, forecastle, poop, navigation bridge, wheelhouse, chartroom, radio room, deckhouse, rudder, steering gear, propeller, anchor, mooring, lifeboat, accommodation, crew, cargo post, bulwark, life rail, machinery, engine room, winch, derrick. Read the text and find the answers to the following questions. 1. How are plates joined to make up strakes? 2. What are the three systems of framing? 3. What is the difference between inner and double bottoms? 4. What superstructures are there on board a ship? The bottom, side and deck platings consist of steel plates. The short side of each plate is called the end and the long side is the edge. Plates are joined end to end to form a panel of plating which runs fore and aft, and is known as a strake. The joint between the ends of any two plates in a strake is known as a butt and the one between two strakes - a seam. The uppermost rows of side plating are called the sheer strakes. They are attached to the edges of the upper deck's outer plates referred to as the deck stringers. The intersecting strength members running either fore-and-aft or athwartships make up framing. It is secured to the bottom, side and deck plating. The system of framing depends on the orientation of the primary structural members. There are three framing systems - longitudinal, transverse and combined or mixed one. A system of intersecting longitudinal and transverse structural members of framing with a common plating or flooring and limited by rigid diaphragms is known as hull assembly. The hull assemblies fall under three headings - deck assemblies, side assemblies and bottom assemblies. Deck assembly consists of deck plating plates and longitudinal and transverse framing. Side assembly is a part of the ship's side restricted longitudinally by adjacent transverse bulkheads and vertically by two adjacent decks. Bottom assembly is a portion of bottom plating restricted by adjacent transverse bulkheads and the sides. In nearly all ships there is a tank top, i.e. inner watertight plating above the bottom framing preventing water from leaking inside the ship in case of the bottom damage and forming spaces for fuel, water and ballast together with the bottom. In order to improve seaworthiness and provide additional space nearly all ships have superstructures. The watertight superstructures erected at the extreme forward and after end of a ship are called the forecastle and the poop respectively. The topside structure built mostly about amidships is called the navigating bridge. The wheelhouse and the chart room are located on the navigating bridge deck. The radio room is usually placed on the navigating bridge deck near the chart room. The erections not extending from side to side are called deckhouses. In order to keep any moving ship on a steady course it is necessary to provide her with a rudder, steering gear and propeller. All ships have means for anchoring and mooring, lifeboats and means for hoisting and lowering them. All ships must have sleeping accommodation for their crews, system of lighting and ventilation. On deck there are cargo handling facilities such as cranes, winches, derricks, etc. Ships having derricks also have masts and cargo posts (or Samson posts) on deck. All weather portions of deck are fitted with bulwarks or life rails which serve as safeguards against rough sea. The inner bottom forms a large level space with heavy strong construction which is used as a base for machinery. The main machinery is arranged in the engine room as well as generators, pumps, condensers and all other equipment necessary to operate the ship. Exercises and assignments Ex. 1. Find in the text the words of the same roots and translate them into Russian: plate, reference, frame, prime, structure, head, in, worthy, add, erect, steer, light, handle, machinery, equip, operation. Ex. 2. Find in the text the compound words and explain their meanings: seaworthiness, superstructure, watertight, forecastle, topside, deckhouse, wheelhouse, lifeboat, safeguard. Ex. 3. Find in the text the following word combinations and translate the sentences in which they are used: deck plating, intersecting, strength members, uppermost rows of side plating, upper deck's outer plates, orientation of the primary structural members, common plating or flooring, deck plating plates, adjacent transverse bulkheads, topside structure, navigation bridge deck, cargo handling facilities. Ex. 4. For the words and word combinations in (a) find the ones of the same meaning in (b): a) tank top, restrict, joint, base, lifeboat, superstructure, navigation bridge, adjacent, orientation, seaworthiness, deck stringer; b) limit, neighbouring, upper deck's outer plates, seakeeping, topside structure, erection, rescue boat, foundation, direction, inner bottom, connection. Ex. 5. Match the vocabulary items in the box with the definitions given below. Then find in the text sentences in which they are used. Translate the sentences. butt seam tank top navigating bridge deck stringer intersecting member engine room 1) marginal deck plate adjoining directly to the upper side strake; 2) a line of joining plate strakes by long sides; 3) a framing girder of increased strength on which the girders of less strength rest; 4) an inner watertight plating above the bottom framing; 5) a line of joining both short sides of plate strakes; 6) compartment aboard the ship to install the main machinery; 7) a raised platform from side to side above bulwark for installation of instruments and equipment for ship steering. Ex. 6. Read the following definitions and find the corresponding terms which they explain. Match the figure and the letter and insert your answer into the table below. The first has been done for you. 1) The lower part of the ship's hull shell plating from the keel to the bilge. 2) Deck plates on the deck framing. 3) A row of the outside plating connected to each other at their short sides. 4) The uppermost longitudinal side strake which is thicker than the others. 5) A set of intersecting longitudinal and transverse girders with common plating limited by a rigid support diaphragm 6) A set of longitudinal and transverse girders forming the carcass of the ship. 7) A structure forming the closed space arranged above the upper deck from side to side. 8) The forward superstructure of the ship beginning with the stem. 9) The aft superstructure extending from side to side up to the extreme point of the stern. 10) A portion of the side above the upper deck providing safety of people and cargo on the deck. 11) A turning vertical streamlined plate arranged in the stern and serving for the ship's steering. 12) One of the mostly used marine movers having a boss with some blades on it. A –sheer strake B - superstructure С - rudder D - deck plating E - poop F - hull assembly G - bottom plating H - propeller I - framing J - bulwark K - forecastle L - strake 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 G Ex.7 TranslateintoEnglish. 1. Днищевая, бортовая обшивки и настил верхней палубы выполняются из отдельных листов, соединенных сваркой. 2. Листы, образующие пояс наружной обшивки, соединяются по стыкам, а поясья соединяются между собой по пазам. 3. Самый верхний пояс бортовой обшивки, примыкающий к верхней палубе, называется ширстреком. 4. Стрингером на суднах обычно называют мощную продольную балку. Крайний лист палубного настила, примыкающий к бортовой наружной обшивке, называется палубным стрингером. 5. Набор корпуса состоит из пересекающихся продольных и поперечных балок, прикрепленных к днищевой, бортовой обшивкам и к палубному настилу. 6. Самая крупная структурная часть корпуса - перекрытие. Это - совокупность участка пластины и подкрепляющих ее балок. 7. Надстройками называют объемные конструкции на главной палубе, располагающиеся от борта до борта, и прочно связанные с корпусом наружной обшивкой. Надстройками являются бак, ют и навигационный мостик. 8. Навигационный мостик - это приподнятая платформа от борта до борта, дающая беспрепятственный обзор и обеспечивающая помещения для рулевой и штурманской рубок. 9. Закрытое помещение на верхней палубе, расположенное на части ширины судна с продольными стенками, отстоящими от бортов, называется рубкой. 10. Часть борта, возвышающаяся над верхней палубой, которая служит для защиты людей и груза на палубе, называется фальшбортом. Section 4. Longitudinal and transverse scantlings Words and Terms to be Remembered Scantlings, bend, pressure, box girder, flat (plat) keel, orlop deck, boiler space, camber, sheer (-line), scupper, buoyancy, draught (draft), ballast, stability, keelson, bottom stringer, centre girder = vertical keel, bilge keel, rolling chock, rivet, bulge, buckle, ice doubling, rolling, pitching, clipper, paddle, raked stem, bulb stem, forging, stern frame, stern post, rudder post. Read the following texts and answer the questions before them. Define the highlighted terms. 1. What scantlings are ship's structural members divided into? 2. What structural members are referred to longitudinal ones? 3. What are the principle transverse scantlings? 4. What are the functions of both kinds of scantlings? A ship's structural members may be divided into longitudinal and transverse scantlings. The former are required to take up the longitudinal stresses, the latter to take up the transverse stresses. The longitudinal scantlings give a vessel sufficient strength longitudinally, so that she neither bends too much nor breaks: the transverse scantlings strengthen her in transverse direction to prevent her from being crushed. Among the longitudinal scantlings are, for example, the shell with the decks, the keel, the center keelson (in a vessel having a single bottom), and the center line girder and top plating in double-bottomed vessels, longitudinal bulkheads, and other longitudinal girders. The principal transverse scantlings are: the frames, the deck beams with the knees, the cross bulkheads running from port to starboard, also the decks, the shell plating, the double bottom plating and other transverse girders with plating. A vessel's longitudinal strength is dependent on her transverse strength. SHELL PLATING 1. Why is shell plating one of the most important constructive members? 2. What is the relation between length and depth of the vessel? 3. The strake of the bottom shell plating at the center line is a horizontal keel, isn't it? 4. What are butts and seams? The ship's shell plating is one of the most important members of the hull. Its functions are: 1) to shut out the sea water; 2) to take up the stresses resulting from the water pressure perpendicular to the shell plating; 3) to take up the bending stresses caused in a sea way. The ship's hull may be regarded as a box girder being bent upwards and downwards alternately. The relation between length and depth of the vessel plays an important part, as with an increase of length the thickness of the shell, particularly the top and the bottom plating, being the most heavily loaded, will have to be proportionally increased. The strake at the center line of the vessel is called flat keel plate and that in way of the strength deck the sheer strake. The stakes of plating are connected together by means of seams, the connection between the plates of a strake is effected by butts (or butt welds). DECKS 1. What is the duty of a deck? 2. What kinds of decks are known? 3. What are the functions of the camber and the sheer of the deck? A vessel has one or more decks not only to make her top watertight but also to protect her cargo and accommodation of passengers and crew. Moreover, a deck adds to the longitudinal and partly also to the transverse strength of a ship. Decks should be watertight and are considered to be among the most important scantlings. The topmost continuous deck of a full-scantling vessel is called the main deck, and in a complete-superstructure vessel the upper deck. Below these strength decks may be various other decks such as the upper tweendeck, the tweendeck and the orlop deck. The lower decks are not always continuous, but may be interrupted in way of the engine room and the boiler space. Most decks have a transverse camber, i.e. lowering of the deck to the sides, the degree of camber is called height of camber. The longitudinal run of the deck line is also a curve with a rise towards bow and stern. This line is called the sheer (-line). The function of sheer and camber is to increase the strength of a deck and to enable sea water swept on board to flow away through the washports and scupper pipes. In addition, the sheer improves a vessel's outward appearance and increases her reserve of buoyancy and the safety during floating. The lower decks generally have the same amount of camber and sheer as the uppermost deck. BULKHEADS 1. How can the bulkheads be classified according to their arrangement in the hull and their tightness? 2. What are the functions of bulkheads? 3. In what way do the bulkheads assist the ship's unsinkability? 4. Where is the collision bulkhead placed? Steel and iron bulkheads are walls of plating extending transversely from side to side or longitudinally, throughout the whole or the part of the length of a vessel. They are valuable as a means of dividing the large volume contained in the hull of a ship into a number or separate compartments, and of entirely shutting off the engine and boiler spaces from the hold spaces - a feature of very great importance where inflammable cargo is carried in the adjoining compartments. But their chief function is to give structural strength and safety in the event of the shell being perforated and water finding access. Transverse bulkheads afford great support to both the longitudinal and the transverse framing of a vessel and contribute to general strength. When transverse bulkheads are well constructed and stiffened, and made perfectly watertight, they may afford protection in case of collision or perforation of the shell plating by confining the water to one of the compartments into which they divide the hull. They must, therefore, be securely connected to the shell plating, deck, and bottom of the vessel, and in addition, the plating must be of sufficient thickness and stiffened and supported in such a manner as to withstand the pressure of water which would come upon it in the event of such a compartment being perforated and flooded. Longitudinal bulkheads provide valuable and necessary strength to the hull. Bulkheads are classified into watertight, oiltight, and ordinary bulkheads serving to divide a vessel's volume into compartments. The first of these are the most important, except in the case of tankers, where, of course, the oiltight bulkheads are of the greatest significance. Watertight bulkheads have three functions: 1) to divide a vessel into watertight compartments; 2) to increase her transverse strength; 3) to prevent the spreading of fire that might break out. The forepeak or collision bulkhead prevents a ship from going down in case of her colliding with another vessel. It has consequently to be made strong. Special bulkhead construction has come into use which is characterized by lightness and omission of stiffeners. Such bulkheads are called corrugated ones. DOUBLE BOTTOM 1. Where is the double bottom arranged in the hull? 2. What is the double bottom used for? 3. What is the difference between inner bottom and double bottom? 4. What liquids are stored in the double bottom tanks? When in former times a cargo vessel was at sea unloaded her draught was often so shallow that only a small portion of her propeller was immersed and she herself caught much wind. The result was that she was difficult to steer. To minimize this deficiency the vessel was ballasted either with sand or stones. Later on vessels were ballasted with liquid matter. Water ballast was stored in the lower part of the vessel, in the so-called "double bottom". By means of filling the double bottom with water ballast the vessel's immersion and seaworthiness, particularly her stability, were increased. The construction has afterwards been improved and simplified by the adoption of the so-called cellular system, in which the depth of the floors is increased, so that they reach the inner bottom, some of these floors being made watertight. Apart from ship's seaworthiness, the strength of the vessel is considerably increased when she is provided with a double bottom. The construction of two bottoms (the outer and the inner bottom) enhances the safety of human life at sea, which is especially important in the case of passenger vessels. Cargo vessels are built either with or without double bottoms. Nowadays the double bottom is no longer exclusively used for carrying water ballast. Feed water, fresh water, fuel oil for the engines and oil fuel for the boilers and lubricating oil are also stored in the double bottom. KEELS 1. What is a flat plate keel? 2. What bottom longitudinal member is provided in a single-bottomed vessel? 3. What is the function of a bilge keel? 4. What types of keels can be found in the ship's hull and what are their duties? In former times all vessels were provided with projecting keels; nowadays most ships have flat plate keels. The function of a projecting keel was to add considerably to ship's longitudinal strength. In modern vessels, having flat keels, such a strengthening member is still by all means an essential requirement and is consequently built within the vessel. It forms the center keelson of a single-bottomed vessel, and the center girder of double-bottomed ship. Keelsons are only found in vessels having single bottoms. The continuous keelsons are to be regarded as longitudinal scantlings or bottom stringers. The center girder is a very important longitudinal scantling which extends the whole length of the double bottom. The center girder is made continuous fore-and-aft; its required depth and thickness are regulated by the classification societies. The center girder is mostly constructed watertight all along. It is limited at its bottom by the flat keel plate and at its top by the center strake of the inner bottom. Flat (plate) keel is the heavy central bottom strake of shell plating to which the center girder or vertical keel is attached. Bilge keels. Many vessels are provided with bilge keels, whose function is to reduce the rolling angle of a rolling vessel in stormy weather, and which are therefore often termed rolling chocks. Bilge keels have no influence on the rolling period, but owing to their damping effect sometimes considerably reduce the rolling angle, in consequence of which traveling by sea becomes less unpleasant to the passengers. There is also a bar keel which projects below the bottom in the center line plane and nowadays is used in small ships. Some ships have a tunnel keel formed by two vertical watertight plates nearly to the center line plane with different pipelines inside. FRAMES 1. What is the duty of frames? 2. Why do frames act as stiffeners? 3. What types of frames can be installed in the ship's hull? 4. What is a frame ring? One of the transverse girders forming the ribs of the hull and extending from the keel to the highest continuous deck is a frame. The duty of the frames is to strengthen the ship's hull. The frames act as stiffeners holding the shell plating in shape and maintaining the transverse form of the ship. But for the frames, the shell plating would soon be bulged in or buckled. The term "frame" when used in a general sense includes a combination of three parts: frame bar, reverse bar, and floor plate. When the structure consists of beams, side frames and a floor it is termed as a frame ring. While determining the dimensions of the frames, water pressure and the vessel's draught are taken into consideration. In order to indicate the position of the frames they are numbered from stern to stem. Besides the ordinary frames there are special types of frames: intermediate frames, deep frames, web frames, open frames, and intercostal frames. Intermediate frames are found where the shell requires additional strengthening, e.g. in way of the ice doubling. Web frames are found in the engine and boiler spaces and in the vessels built on the longitudinal framing system. FLOORS 1. In what part of the hull are floors arranged? 2. What is floor's function? 3. Why should floors be more solid with the increase of draught and in way of engine room? 4. What types of floors are there on board a ship? Floor is one of the most important elements of vessel's transverse strength. The duty of the floors is to strengthen the ship's bottom. They are met with both in single and in double-bottomed vessels. Sea going vessels have a floor to every frame, river craft often one floor to every second frame. As the water pressure in ship's bottom increases with the draught, the bottom should be made stronger, and, consequently, the floor more solid in proportion as the draught increases. Moreover, the ship's bottom must be made stronger with an increase of its width and length. Besides the water pressure, the ships bottom has to take up stresses caused by the rolling and pitching of the vessel and the vibration of the engines. In view of the latter the floors in the engine room have to be made more solid than elsewhere. Floors are the most important elements of vessel's transverse strength. In double-bottomed vessels three types of floors are distinguished: 1) the plate or solid floor with openings for structural lightness and man access; 2) watertight or oiltight as continuation of transverse bulkheads; 3) bracketed floors of rectangular plates and stiffeners. STEMS AND STERN POSTS 1. What is the main feature of stem and stern post? 2. What types of stems are used in shipbuilding? 3. What is a bulb provided for? 4. What two posts does the stern frame consist of? The hull of a vessel is at either end provided with a stem forward and stern post aft for the purpose of obtaining a firm boundary of the vessel. Stem. The earliest steamships were given stems similar to those of sailing vessels. At present this type of stem, called clipper stem, is still occasionally found with paddle-wheelers and steam and motor yachts. Nowadays, however, straight stems are mostly used, which may be either raking or vertical and often consist of a forging having a rectangular section and smaller dimension than the keel. A stem may be manufactured exclusively from plating either with or without an angle bar, and is therefore called a plate stem. Its bottom part sometimes has a spherical shape, which gives it the name of bulb stem. Raking stems are very often met with nowadays. It frequently occurs that a vessel requires a stem having an extra thickness to protect her from being damaged when navigating ice-bound regions. Modern vessels are very frequently equipped with plate stems. Stern post. Sailing ships, paddle steamers and twin-screw vessels are provided with stern post of very simple shapes. Like their stems, the stern posts also have rectangular cross sections, though of somewhat larger diameters, while they are vertically erected. Stern frame is a heavy casting, forging or weldment forming the after end of the ship's structure, and supporting the rudder. It also serves as a frame for connecting the ends of the shell plating. The stern post of a single-screw ship or of a triple-screw vessel is more complicated, and is a massive propeller or stern frame consisting of two posts, namely the inner or propeller post and the outer or ruder post. The propeller shaft passes through the inner post which is enlarged to receive it, and the propeller turns in the aperture between the two posts. PILLARS AND GIRDERS 1. What is the function of a pillar? 2. What is the relation between the load on a pillar and pillars' number? 3. What determines the dimensions of the pillars? Every ship of large size is provided with pillars and generally with (longitudinal) girders for the purpose of supporting the deck under which they are fitted. A pillar is accordingly subjected to a buckling load, which increases with a lower position of the pillar or an increase of the cargoes weight. This load is further dependent on the number of rows of pillars and the ship's breadth. The greater this number, the breadth remaining the same, the smaller the load a pillar has to bear, and, conversely, the larger the ship's breadth, with an equal number of pillars, the more the load allotted to each pillar will increase. Finally, the pillars will take up heavier loads in the proportion in which their spacing as well as their length are increased. Consequently, the ruling factors in the determination of the dimensions of the pillars are: 1) the type of deck; 2) the weight of the total load above the pillars; 3) the number of rows of pillars and the ship's breadth; 4) the spacing of the pillars; 5) the length of the pillars. Pillars may be distinguished as pillars having a small spacing and the ones being widely spaced. Large vessels are often provided with widely spaced pillars. The head and heel of a pillar are designed so that they can be securely bolted or welded. In association with the pillars the deck beams are supported by longitudinal girders, passing along the lower sides of the beams. Exercises and assignments Ex. 1. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Двойное дно повышает прочность днища корпуса и препятствует проникновению воды внутрь судна при получении пробоины или посадке на мель. 2. Форштевень и ахтерштевень жестко скреплены с набором оконечностей. 3. Число переборок зависит от длины и типа судна, причем поперечные переборки увеличивают поперечную прочность и обеспечивают лучшую непотопляемость судна. 4. Палубы ниже главной предназначены увеличивать полезную площадь судна для размещения пассажиров и груза. 5. Шпангоуты образуют с днищевыми флорами и бимсами шпангоутную рамку. 6. Как правило, водонепроницаемые переборки состоят из полотнищ листов и приваренных к ним ребер жесткости. 7. Наружная обшивка должна воспринимать давление воды и обеспечивать продольную прочность корпуса судна. 8. Форма форштевня зависит от назначения судна и обводов корпуса. 9. Ахтерштевень обеспечивает прочность судна, а его конструкция определяется формой руля и числом гребных винтов. 10. Пиллерсы проходят от флоров или настила второго дна до самой верхней палубы. Их поперечное сечение определяется нагрузкой на них и их высотой. 11. Конструктивные элементы одинарного дна включают флоры, кильсоны-стрингеры и киль. 12. Флоры расположены в двойном дне под прямым углом к диаметральной плоскости судна. 13. Сплошные флоры имеют вырезы для уменьшения их собственной массы и доступности отдельных отсеков двойного дна. 14. Горизонтально расположенные стальные листы образуют пояс днищевой наружной обшивки в ДП судна, т.е. горизонтальный киль. С вертикальным килем он обеспечивает судну жесткую конструкцию. 15. Кроме флоров и днищевых стрингеров, двойное дно включает вертикальный киль, обшивку днища и настил второго водонепроницаемого дна. III. Study the general arrangement drawing of a cargo vessel. IV. Find on the diagram the items given in the unit vocabularies and give their definitions: forward: aft: amidships: stem propeller machineryspace Forepeaktank propellerpost navigatingbridge Forecastle (deck) rudder chartroom Collisionbulkhead rudderpost radioroom hatches afterpeaktank funnel coamings poop railings doublebottomtanks holds bridgedeck holds tweendecks boatdeck pillars bulkheads maindeck tweendecks doublebottomtanks maindeck tanktop (innerbottom) Answer the following questions: 1. What 3 main parts is a ship's hull divided into? 2. By what members is a ship's hull divided into compartments? 3. What spaces for dry and liquid cargoes are provided inside the hull? 4. What are the openings in deck through which the cargo is loaded or unloaded? 5. What is the difference between deck and platform? 6. Why is assembly the largest structure in the ship's hull? 7. What features the longitudinal and transverse systems of framing? 8. What does the shell plating consist of? 9. Where is the double bottom arranged and what for? 10. What can you say about forepeak and afterpeak? 11. What is the difference between vertical and horizontal keels? 12. What functions have rudder and propeller? 13. Are superstructures included in main body? 14. What serves as safeguards on the weather deck? 15. Pillars of different tiers are recommended to be set up on one axis, aren't they? КРИТЕРИИ ВЫСТАВЛЕНИЯ ОТМЕТОК Чтение с пониманием основного содержания прочитанного (ознакомительное) Оценка «5» ставится обучающемуся, если он понял основное содержание оригинального текста, может выделить основную мысль, определить основные факты, умеет догадываться о значении незнакомых слов из контекста, либо по словообразовательным элементам, либо по сходству с родным языком. Скорость чтения иноязычного текста может быть несколько замедленной по сравнению с той, с которой ученик читает на родном языке. Заметим, что скорость чтения на родном языке у учащихся разная. Оценка «4» ставится обучающемуся, если он понял основное содержание оригинального текста, может выделить основную мысль, определить отдельные факты. Однако у него недостаточно развита языковая догадка, и он затрудняется в понимании некоторых незнакомых слов, он вынужден чаще обращаться к словарю, а темп чтения более замедленен. Оценка «3» ставится обучающемуся, который не совсем точно понял основное содержание прочитанного, умеет выделить в тексте только небольшое количество фактов, совсем не развита языковая догадка. Оценка «2» выставляется обучающемуся в том случае, если он не понял текст или понял содержание текста неправильно, не ориентируется в тексте при поиске определенных фактов, не умеет семантизировать ( понимать значение) незнакомую лексику. Рекомендуемая литература: • Агабекян И.П. Английский для средних профессиональных заведений. –Ростов-на-Дону , 2004. • Учебник английского языка для судостроителей • Бонк Н.А., Котий Г.А., Лукьянова Н.А. Учебник английского языка.- М., 1992. • Бонк Н.А. Английский язык для международного сотрудничества.- М.,1992. • Бонк Н.А., Левина И.И., Бонк И.А. Английский язык: курс для начинающих.- М., 1994. • Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. практическая грамматика английского языка. – М. 2002. • Шах-Назарова В.С. практический курс английского языка. –М., 1994.

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